Marvel Graphghan Square #4 – The Incredible Hulk

This minimalist Hulk pattern I’ve made up is a little more cute than incredible. He doesn’t look quite as fearsome as I was going for, but it’s hard to work with only 20×20 pixels! I tried to stick as close as I possibly could to the traditional feel of the Hulk. Angry face. Black hair. Bright green and purple colour scheme. Ladies and gentlemen, the Incredible Cute Hulk!

Hulk Pixel

Look at his cute angry little eyebrows! His grouchy little mouth! So cute.

I originally wanted to showcase his fist, as that is likely one of the most recognizable features of the Hulk. He has massive hands capable of breaking anything that may cross his path. Do you know how hard it is to try and make a fist out of pixels? It’s hard. Hence the little angry Hulk face.

I think this square is one of my favourites so far! I didn’t like it as I was trying to design the grid, but it’s starting to grow on me. I wanted everything to look as realistic as possible while working with only 400 little coloured squares. This vision was quickly demolished as I realized that my Incredible Hulk was looking Incredibly Adorable.

Please ignore the fact that he also looks a little Frankenstein-ish. Hey, future inspiration for another graphghan?!

Before you start, I’ve got this handy dandy colour-coded grid for you to follow as you are crocheting. Print it out and check off each box as you go. When you are following an intricate pattern (such as this one) it is easy to get off track and skip a row or repeat the same row twice. In order to avoid countless hours of crocheting, ripping apart, crocheting, and ripping apart, follow the grid! It will help you, I promise.

Hulk Grid

I’m planning on using some beautiful Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice for this particular square. She’s got some lovely shades of green and purple that are hard to find in other brands of yarn that will fit this grid perfectly. As usual, I have left the square that are meant to be WHITE in black font. In order to hopefully not confuse anyone, I have made all of the squares that are meant to be BLACK one size larger and bolded. Hopefully this isn’t too confusing!

If you are new to the whole “graphghan” style of crocheting, but really want to start, head over to Repeat Crafter Me for some really helpful video tutorials. Graphghans seem a lot harder than they actually are. Once you get started, it’s hard to stop!

Just joining in now? The first square was Iron Man’s helmet, the second square was Captain America’s shield, and the third square was Thor’s Hammer! It’s never too late to start.

This is square 4 of 9 so we are getting to the half way point! I have so much free time now that my super condensed university semester is over, I should be releasing the remaining squares within a few days of each other. Next up is everyone’s favourite female assassin, Black Widow!

Don’t forget to share your progress on Instagram and Facebook with the hashtag #marvelgraphghan so I can check out how everyone is doing! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comments below or send me an email. I am here to help!

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