Free Printable Washing Instructions for Knitwear!

Washing Labels

I recently filled a large wholesale order for a local business and one of my requirements was to have proper packaging and washing instructions, as my items were all wearable accessories. This was a little scary as I barely know how to properly do laundry. Those little washing symbols are an alien language in my opinion.

After careful consideration and much research, I found a chart with the washing symbols I needed for my products. A little snipping here and there, some cute GoogleFonts, and I had my labels made!

These were difficult for me to make, as I am sure it would be for others out there, so I’d like to share them with you! Feel free to make as many as you need. It is saved as a JPEG picture file, so you won’t be able to edit it very easily. It would be a shame not to share this!

Washing Labels

Simply click on the picture and it will open up into a new window. Make them as big or as small as you’d like!

Enjoy your upcoming weekend!

4 thoughts on “Free Printable Washing Instructions for Knitwear!

  1. Hi , these are really cute and simple! Thank you for sharing. I was also wondering if you have any tips on how to get products into a shop.. I know there is a lot of info out there, but would love to hear from someone who has done successfully! Do you prep a line sheet with all the pictures and prices and contact appropriate shops? how do you approach shops? Thank you!


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